Agape Myanmar Mission

Where is Myanmar?

Myanmar also known as Burma borders Bangladesh, India, China, Laos, and Thailand.

Our Mission 

& Vision

To give the Myanmar/Burmese People a New Hope and Life in Jesus Christ by using Holistic Ministry: Education, Literature, Development and Outreach Projects, Training for Trainers, and Planting Churches. 

Plant a Church in Every Village of Myanmar by the Year 2033

What are the 2 greatest needs in Myanmar today?


*Myanmar Emergency: Regional Update | Global Focus Sep 2024 (   

**Myanmar Emergency Regional Update Jan 2023


According to World Atlas, Buddhism is the dominant religion at 89%. Christianity is at 6.2% and Islam at 4.3% and both have been growing. Religious Belief in Burma, Census 2014

The Myanmar/Burmese people that have been displaced, and those that are in villages are open to hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Christians in Myanmar are open to training to take an active leadership role in their local area to reach others with God's love and fulfill The Great Commission. 

What we do

How Can I Help?

Partner With Us In Our Outreach Projects 2024

Our Projects

Are you interested in changing a humanitarian and spiritual way?

Our Mission Outreach Projects are made possible with your support. 

Pastor Silas and Team Helping meet Physical and Spiritual Needs, Sharing the Gospel, Teaching and Training Leaders in Myanmar, and Reaching out to Myanmar/Burmese Refugees and Immigrants in San Diego, California.

Let's Fulfill The Great Commission. 

Matthew 28:18-20

More than 50 Million Myanmar/Burmese people are still waiting for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.